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Environment Policy


Our Core Principles

  • AGI should be dedicated for Resource Conservation through less utilization of natural resources and reducing waste generation.

  • Striving to minimize our use of materials and energy.

  • Establishing the Eco-Friendly Products and ensuring our products and services are less impacting on ecological impacts and improving landscapes and agricultural practices.

  • AGI is committed to reducing waste at all stages of our operations, through recycling programs, reducing packaging waste, and encouraging the reuse of materials whenever possible.

  • AGI management understands the significance of controlling emissions to air and water. AGI strive to source raw materials from suppliers who share our commitment to environmental sustainability.

  • AGI believes in continual improvement and apply cycle of continuous improvement in our environmental performance. AGI implements regular review our processes, technologies, and practices to identify areas where we can reduce our environmental footprint.

  • AGI encourages workers through active participation, investing them in training & learning process to contribute AGI environmental goals. AGI strictly adhere to local, regional, and international environmental regulations and standards.

  • AGI recognizes responsibility to the communities in which we operate.

  • Measurement and Reporting is ensured through transparency and accountability and regular monitoring of environmental performance.

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